Società Italiana di Medicina (SIM)
By Luigi Marcello Monsellato 
The COVID 19 pandemic was a momentous watershed. Cover up, mask up, hold your breath, distance yourself has been the slogan, the mantra of these last two years.
The pandemic governmentality, based on the political use of fear and anxiety, the existential precariousness associated with constant change, the spectacularization of death, the militarization of the territory, the algorithmization of medicine, the industrialization of the health act, the pervasive and drumming moral rhetoric in which the politically correct the call for national unity and a vague comforting balcony patriotism have replaced reason and confrontation, the widening of violence and inequality, and the spread of hateful forms of control and discrimination has made us lose our sense of the present, perceiving only its passing and sinking. We have felt an indefinable, enveloping weight, which still conceals reality, beauty, symbol, dialectic, myth, the sacred: everything loses profile, thickness, memory, meaning, and by dismantling the world we fold in on ourselves, in a permanent selfie. Denying us other views, they have forbidden us other worlds, other times, other dreams.
And all for … our own good!
It was time that suddenly aged us. We spent days, months, years as old men, traipsing through a retired existence: no hugging, no sneaky kissing, with masks always on our faces, at most an elbow or a show of hands, you can’t go out, you can’t play, you can’t travel, you can’t run, you can’t make love. Just video and audio. More spectators and less actors. The sexologists, deo gratias (sigh!), advised us to wear a mask at all times during intercourse, categorically forbade kissing because of the droplet effect, recommended the use of gloves; for fixed couples we could overlook the mask but the swab had to be negative, while the anti-contagious sanitation rules had to be strictly followed, so strict hand sanitization for all. At the end of the day, living as an elderly person with a living, hormonal, pulsating body of a young person. So much for movida-it was and is a moviola, indeed a novida!
The consequences of this can be summed up in a sense of loneliness and dependence. In Covid times, every home has become an island, an isolation, monads separated from all social, convivial, cultural aggregation: the weakening of social ties, the claustrophobic enclosure within the confines of home, the monotony of days that are always the same, has made us live a kind of etiolation, like a perished and discolored plant because it is kept in the dark. A life lived at a distance, a tele-life. Connected but isolated, connected but fragmented.
It is the transition from “open society” to a “covered society,” caged by prohibitions and obscurations.
At the center has been the seduction of objectivity and dependence on data to anesthetize us to uncertainty and fear. The idolatry and dictatorship of numbers: only data and not stories have aroused attention; there has been a shift from telling to counting. A real epistemological witchcraft seems to be in action. On the one hand, a totally useless, if not misleading, chronicling eventuality, which deforms and conforms, represses and depresses, capable of altering numbers, words, statistics to perpetrate in the unreasonable coercive palimpsest of thought, oxymoronically, unique, to the point of allowing no conscientious objection, a kind of new inquisition that censors and dominates, a cloak of social, civil, ideological and cultural restrictions to the point of becoming a regime, a chastity belt that sacrifices labor, sovereignty, freedom, life in the name of an illusory and vague security, on the other hand a kind of cataract capable of transforming any confrontation or criticism, however authoritative and referenced, into ignorance, defeatism, conspiracy or even fascism.
The ambiguity of the control panels foments the feeling that the pandemic will end when all the “dashboard” indicators are at zero (infections, cases, deaths) or 100 (percentage of vaccinated). Nonetheless, the history of the past, even the recent past, shows us that respiratory pandemics do not end cleanly, that substantial influenza morbidity and mortality continues to resurface, season after season, among pandemics, and that the end of a pandemic is to be linked to the recovery of social life and not to the achievement of any particular epidemiological goals.
In all of this, two data emerge overwhelmingly.
The first, that experimental RNA sera are fundamentally disrupting the immune system of those who have received them, a thesis supported by the majority of the free, honest, and un-serviced scientific literature. We are witnessing a growth and resurgence of malignant neoplasms, especially in children, a staggering increase in degenerative neurological disorders, and an increasingly widespread increase in cardiovascular disease. And these data that had to be concealed or diluted in the lustre of a decade, I think will emerge in all their evidence in the coming months. Hence the need to rediscover the deep sense of the ars medica, to confront complexity, to study new pathways of care and health, to move from the outside to the inside, from a virus to an organism, from a disease to a patient.
In this regard, the Italian Society of Medicine (SIM) is born, a federation of associations, a space for open discussion, free from commercial or ideological constraints, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. An inclusive, participatory project aimed at health associations, freelancers and the community, a network that acts as a support and filter, capable of fostering synergies, organizing spaces for sharing and dialogue, and embricing collective collaborative skills.
The therapist thus, with skin scratched by the saltiness of the clinic, rises to a guiding role that allows the patient to rediscover his inner dimension, to find the meaning of his existence. A coherent method to the knowledge of the human being can only be systemic, holistic, energetic, plastic, mobile: it must be observed from various viewpoints and angles and with a psychic vocation to experience, history, meaning. In such an orientation both subjectivity and awareness acquire an important strategic role.
Unfortunately, the vulgate is latent and doing group is important and necessary. SIM memberships are reserved for associations, since SIM is a network of associations. One can, however, register in the meantime in one of the other associations that are already members, in one’s own section, so one is already automatically enrolled in
SIM see website:
There is a need for a medicine that reevaluates symptoms as a visible manifestation of an “invisible” process involving the psyche, the consciousness, the brain, the body. Individually each symptom is like a dead letter, worthless, if it cannot produce in the whole a meaning, an intention, a purpose.
The second fact is the campaign of violence, of mutual control, mistrust, suspicion and denunciation that the non-aligned have suffered and are still suffering, and which only an albeit tenuous democratic hold has made it possible not to shoot at the wall as deserters. If we do not run for cover, before we even die of cancer or cardiovascular disease, we will kill each other. Captivity has exacerbated malice, fear, hatred and revenge. According to the latest CENSIS data, half of Italians favor the death penalty! In this regard, the Homeosynergy Association OMEOS has long been alive (see website: https:// homeosynergy. eu/omeos/), a constituent association of SIM, which is concerned with a growth process, based on the awareness of who we are, what we are and how we are, marked by union, perfection, integration, evolution, to bring out latent resources and lead the individual to consciously appropriate his or her true identity, in a bio-logical framework that brings out the detoxifying, immunostimulating, revealing, adaptive function of every disease. A weltanschauung, a view of the world, of life and of man’s position in it, where, each on his own account, he contributes to the infinite journey of learning and knowledge, passing through insights and errors, discoveries and defeats, achievements and dead ends.
United we will make it!
Have a good life.
Luigi Marcello Monsellato