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Breast cancer is the malignancy that is most often detected during pregnancy or the puerperium.

Mammary examination during pregnancy and postpartum is recommended, as well as analysis of lesions that are suggestive of malignancy, without waiting for delivery.

It tends to apply a treatment as conservative as possible to ensure maximum safety in the performance. In addition, it is very important to take into account the possible psychological repercussions of the disease on the patient, so we must assess the possible indication of psychological treatment.

The fetus must be taken into account, and on that basis, a decision must be made for the treatment. Miscarriages can occur, not because of the disease (because extension to the fetus is something that does not occur), but because of the treatments and the deterioration of the mother.

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The initial treatment of breast cancer will be surgical, except in advanced cases in which chemotherapy is necessary first to reduce the volume of the tumor, and then perform surgery.

As in the rest of the patients, the approach is surgical, resecting the affected area (and the lymph nodes if necessary); If radiotherapy is required, the delivery should be expected, but chemotherapy should be administered if necessary, if possible avoiding the first trimester.

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