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Presbycusis is the progressive loss of hearing associated with aging.

It can suppose the social isolation of the elderly, although with the use of hearing aids the consequences can be minimized.

The treatment of presbycusis is currently based on hearing aids or hearing aids. There is no pharmacological treatment that allows to regenerate the aged structures of the ear or of the brain areas affected in the process.

The hearing aids are the element that can prevent the isolation of the elderly patient with presbycusis

The type of hearing aid will be chosen according to the characteristics of the audiometry performed, the age and the economic budget of the affected person.

It is also important to consider auditory rehabilitation, with vocal training by phoniatrists and speech therapists to recover the understanding of words and their hearing. We must make an effort to help our elders to maintain the connection with a conversation, making a correct pronunciation, maintaining a speed of speech easy to follow, and allowing the reading of lips if necessary.

Learn more about your health and well-being at Pharmamedic.
