Also called peripheral facial paralysis and Bell’s palsy or syndrome. It is a paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face due to an inflammation of the facial nerve that controls the movements of these muscles.

Physiotherapy treatment

  • Local heat: wet-warm compress for 10 minutes in the affected area, to improve circulation.
  • Electrotherapy: although there is a controversy regarding the use and effectiveness, since the motor point of the muscle is stimulated and not the nerve.
  • Muscular reeducation in front of a mirror: the main actions are aimed at achieving the correct functioning of the eye and mouth occlusion:

This stage is characterized by asymmetry at rest, voluntary minimum movements. Absence of synkinesis and severe functional damage. They will be made:

Assisted active exercises: the patient is assisted by the index and a half finger placed on the muscle to work towards the desired movement, holding them for a few seconds in the affected area.

Lift with your fingers the eyebrow involved and hold it for a few seconds. Manual assistance will progressively decrease according to muscle recovery.

Active exercises: the digital pressure is removed and work is requested in the following order: frontal, superciliary, levator superioris, canine, buccinator, tassel and square of the beard, triangular of the lips, cutaneous neck and finally the zygomatic. Examples of exercises:

  • Contract the lips as if you were going to kiss (Orbicular lips and compressor).
  • Dilate the wing of the nose to lift the upper lip and show the teeth (Dilator of the nose, canine, elevator of the upper lip).
  • Expel air slowly, such as blowing through a straw (Buccinator, zygomatic major, minor zygomatic).
  • Wide smile directing the labial commissure outwards and backwards (Risorio).
  • Tighten the teeth as hard as possible (Cutaneous neck, triangular lips).
  • Wrinkle the chin (Mirtiform, square of the beard, tassel of the beard).
  • Elevate the eyebrows (Occipitofrontal).
  • Join the eyebrows (Ciliar).
  • Close the eyes (Orbicular of the eyelids).Learn more about your health and well-being at Pharmamedic.