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The treatment of Achilles tendon rupture aims to restore the strength of the Achilles tendon and the complete function of the ankle.

This can be done with a conservative method (that is, without surgery) or with surgery, which should be assessed in each case individually. It is important, in any case, to start the treatment shortly after the rupture of the Achilles tendon, although after a short period of time there is hardly any pain and the site of the lesion does not swell much.

In an Achilles tendon injury, the affected foot is usually left to rest for several weeks with a cast (whether using surgical treatment or in conservative treatment). Instead of this measure, in the rupture of the Achilles tendon, a treatment with limited movement, the so-called functional treatment, can be applied early. Here a special footwear is used, which thanks to the heel elevation and a rigid footbed allows the foot to be fully loaded a couple of days after the Achilles tendon rupture. The duration of healing is at least six weeks after an Achilles tendon injury.

First aid

The local treatment of the heel region with ice are the first aid of the rupture of the Achilles tendon. It is also advisable to help the affected person to walk, as they must avoid walking on the affected leg. For this, crutches, a stretcher or the help of other people are appropriate.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment of Achilles tendon rupture may be successful in some circumstances (conservative means without surgery). This treatment is usually applied in the incomplete (partial) rupture of the Achilles tendon and in elderly and less active people. The sooner conservative treatment is started, the greater the probability of success.

For that conservative treatment will work on a ruptured Achilles tendon is necessary that the ends of ruptured Achilles tendon to touch each other, when the foot sunk about 20 degrees is in position on tiptoe, called clubfoot. To get rid of doubts a doctor with experience in sports medicine can perform an ultrasound immediately after a ruptured Achilles tendon.

If the rupture resolves conservatively after the rupture of the Achilles tendon, the ends are healed in a similar way to the new union of the skin after a cut injury.

With the conservative treatment of the Achilles tendon injury it may be necessary to have the foot at rest with a plaster for three to five days. Then you must wear special shoes. With this footwear you can fully load the foot after a short period of time without interfering with healing despite the rupture of the Achilles tendon. Special footwear is needed the first three to four weeks of day and night, and later only during the day.

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