We all know that in medicine today there are certain complications about good patient care. It is known that there are 3 important participants in health care: doctors, patients and insurers. Each of these participants requires a benefit. Doctors want to earn more and compete as little as possible, patients want unique care and comprehensive insurance that we know “does not exist”, while insurers want to offer more services with lower premiums.

All this has caused that the quality of service of the doctors is affected, having a greater competence as professionals and being intervened by the insurers, provoking then that they must charge for more services than the patient needs, affecting their health indifferently.

Pharmamedic, on the other hand, offers a completely different alternative, it is the use of a cryptocurrency that maintains or increases the value of your first investment in medicine, so you can get more services and ensure you and your family the health that everyone wants.

Enter iCashWeb.io and invest in your health.