There is nothing more important than taking care of one’s health, so keeping fit and healthy should be your highest priority. Here are some tips that can help you:

  • Women who walk for an hour each day reduce their chances of suffering from breast cancer by 15%.
  • Running half an hour a day will help you reduce 0.5kg (1 lb) of fat per week.
  • Concentrate on inhaling deeply through the nose and then exhaling. That will calm you, reduce your heart rate and help you be in the present and now.
  • Leave the sodas and all the products processed and you’ll see how you start to see positive results for your body.
  • If you have been awake all night, take a 15-minute nap before the sun comes up. It is a way of tricking the body into believing that you slept enough.
  • Having a pet at home reduces stress, improves mental functions and increases your life expectancy.

Live a healthy life with Pharmamedic.