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Healthy habits are, in large part, what determine that you have good health.

They are what you do every day: sleep, eat, stay hydrated, exercise, bathe, protect yourself from the sun. The proper development of these habits will surely help you to have a longer and healthier life.

The important habits to have good health are:

  • Eat fruits and vegetables: Ideally, eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. The amount supplies the antioxidants and fiber needed to reduce heart disease and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise: Ideally, 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (or more) 5 days or more a week. The benefits are endless: healthy heart, adequate weight, toned muscles, being in a good mood, etc.
  • Sleep enough: If you are one of those who always sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day, you are on the right path. Our body needs to rest and recharge its energies to have good health.
  • Stay hydrated: Before it was said that eight was the magic number of glasses of water a day that should be taken. Now it is known that it is not necessary to drink eight, but drink fluids with meals and whenever you feel thirsty. Drink more if you exercise or it is very hot.
  • Wash your hands: Ideally with soap and water. Always wash your hands after going to the bathroom, touching someone who is sick, and when you cook. Especially when you touch raw meat and unwashed vegetables.
  • Use sunscreen: Daily. It does not matter if it’s cloudy. Protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays will prevent skin lesions, including cancer. The ideal is a minimum protection factor 15 blocker.

Having and maintaining good health depends in part on our habits. Better safe than sorry. So take note of these tips and put them into practice.

Live a healthy life with Pharmamedic.
