As well as gold, silver, bronze, copper, diamonds and other minerals, many cryptocurrencies have a limited supply. No one can produce more gold in the world than the one that currently exists. iCashweb for example, works in the same way. Like gold, it is a scarce asset and it is impossible to artificially inflate its offer.

To understand what provides value to cryptocurrencies like iCashweb, let’s first analyze what gives value to gold. This precious metal has been used for thousands of years. It is malleable and can be transformed into coins, it is durable, it is bright and shiny, which makes it a perfect material for the creation of jewelry.

Gold only has value because human beings have added value over time.

Any economic item has value only because people gave it to him.

iCashweb, is a more mobile version than gold, and its difference is that cryptocurrencies are digital, do not physically exist, only on the Internet, and have the power to be infinitely divisible. These can be spent in up to eight decimal places, which makes it perfect for small transactions that are not possible with gold.

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