They say that cryptocurrencies are not guaranteed by anyone and that they have no internal value. Criticism is associated with the argument that traditional currencies are supported by governments and central banks, but critics often forget that the vast majority of currencies are unreliable and stable.

Only in the economies of the developed world does paper money function as a store of value, a unit of account and a means of exchange. For something to be classified as money, it must retain value over time, be a measure of the relative value of things and be used to buy and sell products and services.

The US dollar and the euro, for example, have these three characteristics. But countries with stable currencies represent only about 15% of the world’s population. The majority of the world’s population still needs a safe currency.

And that is what the creators of cryptocurrencies have been doing. iCashweb, for example, is one of the new born that may be more valuable in the future, thanks to its powerful relationship with health.

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