Electronic prescriptions allow the dispensing of medicines from any pharmacy.

The medical prescription in a digital format is a great advantage because it maximizes that it can be sent to any part of the world, that the patient can reprint it if needed, that pharmacies can receive it and provide the medications and that they form part of a file digital clinical added to the patient record.

The electronic prescription is implemented throughout Spain and represents an important support for healthcare. There is a Law that regulates the digital recipe.

The medical prescription becomes a very important factor for the doctor when issuing prescriptions by digital means, which can be dispensed, from any pharmacy, without the need for the paper format. The unification of this system at the national level allows any prescription to be provided from any pharmacy in the national territory, making it 100% interoperable.

The electronic medical prescription allows prescribing more than one medicine or health product. The process in a pharmacy is as follows:

  • The health card is entered into the system and, automatically, you can read the prescribed drugs of your clients on the computer screen.
  • You proceed to dispense the drug.
  • The system keeps a record of the exit of the medicines from the pharmacy.

It started in 2003, but it was not until 2015 when it started effectively, gradually spreading its use in all the autonomous communities.

Barely a year has passed since it was incorporated in Andalusia and, from then until today, the rest of the communities have done so, including the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, where the number of prescriptions prescribed electronically exceeds 92%.

Due to the complexity of the administration of the capital of Spain and the vast volume of patients, it has made it the last Autonomous Community to join the electronic dispensing system.

The medical prescription and dispensing orders, RD 1718/2010 of December 17, establishes that “the information sheet for the patient will be differentiated from the prescription and may be separable from it, or constitute an independent form”. This means that it is not necessary for the client to present the active medication and patient information sheet when requesting the medication from any autonomous community.

Currently, the dispensing of prescriptions electronically in Spain is a success: it exceeds 97%. Which translates into safety and trust on the part of patients. The electronic prescription system has implemented high-level security measures that guarantee secure access and transmission of information:

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data, patient information can only be accessed at the pharmacy they go to for a specific dispensation and it will be reflected accordingly permanently in the electronic prescription systems managed by the health administrations.

The law protects the user’s personal data by stating, in the last paragraph of article 11 of the aforementioned organic law, that their information “may not be stored on servers outside the health administrations established to carry out billing, once it has been processed.” produced”.

