Modern pharmacies have incorporated information and communication technologies (ICT) to meet the consumer with new needs.

Marketing strategies are currently used in the digital world and it is very important to adapt pharmacies to the changes that are constantly occurring in order to offer a better service.

Different channels can be used to attract users and increase sales of medicines and other products:

  • The corporate web of the pharmacy the consumer will be able to know who you are and what you offer.
  • Your pharmacy’s blog will be the means by which you will offer content to users.
  • Social networks will be the channels through which you will communicate with the consumer and offer them news and important information.

– Instagram, the image is the important point of all the publications related to the pharmacy.

– Facebook, has been for many years the most popular social network in the world and helps a lot with sales.

  • E-commerce, the online point of sale that can increase your sales, visibility and customers.
  • Robotizing the Pharmacy can increase sales, saving time and stock control.

Customer service is of the utmost importance for the smooth running of the pharmacy and Online Service must provide the same quality and professionalism in e-commerce.

The image of the online pharmacy is very important on the Internet, since it is a medium where it is very easy to disseminate information and opinions.

Achieving a good reputation requires monitoring and updating the different social networks and gaining the trust of consumers.

A constant, careful and coherent line of communication must be maintained to maintain a good reputation.