The melissa or lemon balm is a plant with medicinal uses to treat various conditions and ailments, as it has a number of benefits for the human body. This aromatic plant stands out for its properties to combat problems related to the nerves, but there are many other advantages offered:

  • Helps to treat nerve problems, so it can be used to treat stress, nervousness, anxiety, etc. It is among the best infusions to calm the anxiety by having tranquilizing properties that will help us to calm down in situations where nerves overflow and it is hard for us to keep calm.
  • You can use this plant if you suffer from insomnia, since melissa or lemon balm has slight narcotic properties and will help you fall asleep. Also, you can also consult this other article of aComo about what are the best infusions to sleep; however, in case you are taking sleeping pills, you should consult your doctor first.
  • In cases of indigestion or heavy digestion, lemon balm is a good remedy, as it will help eliminate symptoms such as nausea and dizziness and favor proper digestion. And is that this medicinal herb has sedative properties and antispasmodic effect that may help the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Its antispasmodic properties will not only be beneficial for internal organs, but can also be used to treat muscle pains. In this way, it will act as a muscular tonic to relax the area in question and avoid cramping and spasms. For this use, an infusion of lemon balm can be added to the bath water.
  • It also serves to promote sweating, a fact that can be very useful in the treatment of febrile affections, such as colds and flu. Also, the intake of melissa can reduce certain pains such as cervical, lumbar or menstrual.
  • Regarding the external use of lemon balm, it is also possible to use it for the healing of superficial wounds by being a cicatrizant, as well as to relieve insect stings, by applying directly the lemon balm juice on the affected area.
  • It can be taken in different ways, both in infusion and in capsules. The infusions can be made at home by planting Melisa, although on the other hand, if you do not like its flavor or want to take it easily and easily, you can buy capsules of titled extracts.
  • Melissa also has some contraindications, as it could be in people who are being medicated with sedative drugs. Nor is it recommended for pregnant or lactating women, since it can stimulate the uterus and cause abortions or pass into breast milk.

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