Horsetail is a medicinal plant with numerous properties for health, among which stand out to help eliminate fluid retention, so it is supplemented with weight loss diets in which the person feels swollen. In addition, it is an excellent remedy to improve skin, nails and hair. Here we detail some of its properties:

  • It is diuretic
  • It is slimming
  • Depurative
  • Remineralizing
  • Improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair

The most usual way to take it is in infusion, boiling the plant for five minutes and letting it rest another five. If we want to treat a specific ailment, we recommend taking three glasses daily for a month and a half, and then rest for a few weeks. The treatment can be repeated throughout the year.

We can also choose a syrup or extract. In that case we will follow the instructions of the manufacturer or the doctor. And we can gargle (for ailments of the throat, gums or mouth ulcers) or apply it externally, since it acts as a desinflamante and is useful in the case of vaginal infections, hemorrhoids, herpes, eczema, glaucoma, etc.

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