• R3 Consortium: the very financial entities that many are trying to replace with Bitcoin or Ethereum have created the R3 consortium to find out how to take advantage of the block chain in traditional financial systems. One of the first problems of the application of this scheme is the anonymity that the design of the block chain provides, something that has been solved with the so-called “authorized ledger”, a very peculiar variant of the bitcoin block chain, for example, that does identify users that add blocks and that makes system transactions can only be accessed by certain parties.
  • Registration of properties: the Japanese government has initiated a project to unify the entire register of urban and rural properties with block chain technology, which would allow for an open database in which the data of the 230 million could be consulted of farms and 50 million buildings that are estimated to exist in the Asian country. In Dubai they are planning something very similar.
  • Payments in the real world: a startup called TenX has created a prepaid card that can be reloaded with different cryptocurrencies and then pay with it anywhere as if that card had conventional money, regardless of whether that establishment accepts or not this type of virtual currencies.
  • Carsharing: the company EY, a subsidiary of Ernst & Young Global Ltd is developing a system based on the chain of blocks that allows companies or groups of people to access a service to share cars easily. The so-called Tesseract would allow to register who owns the vehicle, the user of that vehicle and generate costs based on insurance and other transactions in this type of service.
  • Cloud storage: storage services are usually centralized in a specific provider, but Storj wants to decentralize this service to improve security and reduce dependence on that storage provider.
  • Digital identity: the last and gigantic security failures and data theft have made the management of our identities a very real problem. The chain of blocks could provide a unique system to validate identities in an irrefutable, secure and immutable way. There are many companies developing services in this field, and all of them believe that applying chain block technology for this purpose is an optimal solution.
  • Music: although there are critics who affirm that this option has no validity, there are those who affirm that the musical distribution could undergo a revolution if a system based on the chain of blocks is managed to manage its reproduction, distribution and enjoyment. The very Spotify is betting heavily on its own chain of blocks.
  • Public / governmental services: another of the most interesting areas of the application of the block chain is in public services that could boast an absolute transparency. The areas of activity are multiple: from the management of licenses, transactions, events, movement of resources and payments, property management to identity management. In fact, the massive theft of data in Equifax has led some to propose the replacement of social security numbers in the United States with a system based on the chain of blocks. There are even initiatives to “decentralize government”, and Bitnation is one of those projects that try to call us becoming “citizens of the world”.
  • Social security and health: although it could be included in the aforementioned public services, public health could undergo a real revolution with a chain of blocks system that would register all types of medical records and solve one of the classic problems of the health management.
  • Authoring management: although related to what is mentioned for the world of music, Ascribe is a platform that tries to help creators and artists to attribute the authorship of their works through the chain of blocks. There are many other platforms in this field (Bitproof, Blockai, Stampery, for example) that, among other things, allow you to generate stores in which you can buy original works in a safe and simple way.

There are just some examples of the application of the block chain to all types of fields, but there are many more: the versatility of this technology is so huge that it is difficult to think of an area that can not be transformed by this idea.

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