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Hello, I am Nonna Cannabis “The Italian granny who cooks with herbs”.

Today I am going to teach you how to prepare a delicious potato cake with seafood and cannabis.


  • 1/2 kg of peeled shrimp
  • 4 large potatoes
  • 3 Cooked Eggs
  • 1 medium purple onion
  • 200g of olives stuffed with anchovies
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 1 cup of pink sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of cannabis oil
  • 1 spoon of sugar
  • 1 sweet bud of cannabis and pinch of salt
  • 6 leaves of Lettuce.


Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes, place in a pan with water and a pinch of salt. When the water starts to boil, let it cook for 15 minutes or until soft.

Parboil the 3 eggs for 15 minutes, let them separate and let them rest, and then cut them into small squares.

Peel and cut the purple onion into small pieces and sauté in a pan with a tablespoon of cannabis oil.

Cut the pineapple and the stuffed olives very small and put them in a bowl, add the onion and the chopped eggs.

The fresh head of well washed cannabis cut fine and add to the bowl next to the other ingredients.

Separate 6 shrimp to decorate the cake. Cut the shrimp in half and add it to the bowl together with the chopped potatoes. We add salt point.

We mixed all the ingredients well.

Cover the bowl with clear plastic and keep in the fridge until serving.

At the time of serving, add the ½ cup of pink sauce to the bowl and mix well with all the ingredients.

Then in a mold covered with plastic, place the mixture and press, and then place it in the presentation tray. Once it is poured into the tray, a little Salsa is spread, both on the top and on the sides.

Cut the lettuce leaves into julienne strips and put them on the tray as a base around the cake and the reserved shrimp arrange them on the cake as decoration.

Recipe for 6 people

This has been all for this week, and do not forget:

Pharmamedic and Nonna Cannabis are here to give you a healthier life!


NOTE: If you are starting to consume this type of recipes, we recommend using small doses of herbs to prevent future adverse reactions in the body.
