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Money as well as must have a value in time, have a limited supply and be divisible, must also be portable.

Imagine for a moment that we use as a means of exchange, bags of cement and that these have value over time, limited supply and be divisible to exchange. It could have the aforementioned characteristics, but how do we transfer them? It would be much more complicated.

Fiat money, on the other hand, is 100% portable, because we can take it with us in our pocket or transfer from one place to another digitally.

Now, in the case of minerals, if it is held in large portions, it is more difficult to be portable but if we have it in support, we could use paper money instead (fiduciary money).

Finally, cryptocurrencies can also be said to be portable, because we can not carry them in our pockets, but they can be transferred from one place to another and anywhere in the world. Without a doubt an excellent option as a means of exchange.

Invest in one of the great options of the market such as cryptocurrencies. Invest in iCashweb.
