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Crabs are insects similar to lice that infect pubic hair and other areas of the body.

They are transmitted only by intimate contact, and to eliminate them, the infected person and their sexual partners must be treated. It is known as pubic louse or crabs, because of its peculiar shape. It is transmitted from person to person by intimate and direct contact, typically when having sex. The infection causes very annoying symptoms to the people who suffer it, especially itching, but it does not affect other organs of the body nor endangers the life of the patient that hosts the parasite.

The condom does not protect against this infection, so the generalization of its use does not serve to explain the decline in incidence, and it is suspected that depilation of the genital region, both in women and men, may be the reason why every time there are fewer cases.

Symptoms of crab infection begin to appear between two and four weeks after infection. The signs and initial manifestations that can indicate a possible contagion are:

  • Itching: is the main symptom of suffering crabs, centered in the genital region.
  • Cutaneous wounds: mainly erosions or abrasions are produced, which are small superficial wounds that appear after scratching with the nails.
  • Changes in coloration: the crabs can produce alterations of the pigmentation of the skin, leaving a bluish appearance of the cutaneous surface that they parasitize.
  • Conjunctivitis: it happens when the crabs invade the eyelashes, this way an inflammation of the ocular conjunctiva and the eyelids takes place (blepharitis). It is more common in children.

To prevent the spread of crabs is very important:

  • Avoid contact with people infected with crabs.
  • Be careful not to share clothes, sheets and towels in camps, residences, etc.
  • Prevent secondary infections of the skin by scratching. For that, it is recommended to wash your hands often, have your nails clean and cut, and change your underwear several times a day.

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