The difference between cryptocurrencies and fiduciary money is that no group or individual (nor a central authority) can determine the production of these virtual currencies, or use them illegally or abusively, since only a certain number of units are generated collectively. a speed that is limited by a previously defined and publicly known value.

If iCashWeb is used as a means of exchange, in order to send them, you must first have them or exchange legal tender for iCashWebs.

The exchanges are companies specialized in facilitating the exchange of currency, which in many cases are the same as the purse where they are stored. They function as stock markets, giving an economic value to cryptocurrencies under the free play of supply and demand. They can be simple intermediaries between users, or allow trading functionalities.

If you are interested in cryptocurrencies and plan to invest in one of them, start with an immortal “iCashWeb”.