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EOS is the token of the decentralized application Block.one developed by Daniel Larimer.

It has been one of the projects with the fastest projection, generating an impressive hype since its launch in June 2017. Its initial market value was lower than the dollar and is currently trading at a value of $ 13.71 in the Bitfinex exchange. All this growth has made it position itself in less than a year among the top 10 in market capitalization. It is not surprising that only in the first months have they managed to raise more than 180 million dollars. Some even believe that the project is overrated.

EOS is a development infrastructure very similar to Ethereum. It was released under the blockchain of the latter, but EOS already has its independent system.

Its elements allow it to develop on a large scale. In addition, it is a direct competitor to Ethereum, and we can foresee that one of its main goals is to overcome it.

The company’s goal is the development of large technological solutions, including those based on block chain technology. The executive director of the company, Daniel Larimer, seeks to narrow the gap that exists between reality and blockchain technology. 10% of the tokens belong to block.one, but will be released to the market every second, in a course of 10 years.

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