Exercise during pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy has wonderful results for your health. Studies also indicate that exercising during pregnancy may lower the risk of you developing gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. If you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, exercise may help you manage this condition and prevent complications. We recommend several cardiovascular activities that are usually safe for pregnant women, although some you can not do during the last months of pregnancy.

  • Swimming: Doctors and physical trainers consider swimming the best exercise for pregnant women and also the safest.
  • Low-impact aerobic exercises: Aerobic exercises strengthen the heart and tone muscles.
  • Dancing: You can do beneficial exercise for the heart by dancing to the rhythm of the music. You must avoid the jumps and the pirouettes.
  • Running: This exercise is excellent for exercising the heart and increasing resistance during pregnancy. If you just started, go slowly and run short distances, to gradually reach 30 minutes.
  • Walking: It is one of the best cardiovascular activities for pregnant women, and it keeps you in shape without punishing your knees and ankles.

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