Exercise your shoulders

These are some exercises that you can apply in your routines to maintain perfect shoulders:

Press Arnold

You could perfectly do this exercise on a machine or reclined on a chair. However, you can challenge yourself and do it without support, which will put the middle part of your body into action.

This exercise attacks the lateral and posterior part of the deltoids as well as the middle part of the body if you do not lean on a surface. To do it:

  • You must sit with your back straight and bring the dumbbells to your jaw, with the palms facing the body.
  • Raise both arms laterally and out of the body.
  • While you exhale, bring the dumbbells over your head while bringing the forearms towards the ears.

Do at least 12 or 15 reps with a weight equivalent to the one you would use to warm up, and go up as you go.

Front and side dumbbell lift

A classic dumbbell shoulder exercise, very easy to master. With it you will work the anterior part of the deltoids. To do it:

  • Slowly raise one arm to 90 degrees with the elbow and knees slightly bent. You should concentrate on positioning the elbows parallel to the ground.
  • Again, slowly lower the extended arm before raising the other arm.

After raising the arms separately, spread them out together.

You must do at least 8 or 10 repetitions, since this exercise consists of the 3 parts that we have commented.

An important advice when it comes to performing the frontal shoulder lifts is not to go beyond 90 degrees, that is, the dumbbells should not rise above your shoulders

Lateral side elevation

This is another classic shoulder exercise. With this movement you will exercise the lateral section of the deltoids. To do it:

  • With dumbbells in hand, start upright while bending your shoulders back while flexing your knees.
  • Keep the forearms aligned with the wrists while slowly raising the arms to the sides and forming 90 degrees between the side of the body and the arms.
  • Again, keep your arms parallel to the ground at the limit of the extension.

Previous and previous press

This exercise is required for athletes who want to increase the mobility of the upper body and strengthen the anterior and posterior part of the deltoids. Many of the weaknesses can be combated if you master this exercise and you should focus on the shape rather than the weight. To do it:

  • Sit on an exercise ball to put the middle part of the body to work.
  • With the bar extended above the head, slowly lower it towards the front of your head.
  • Then, return the bar above the head and bring it to the front.

Climbing on the wall

An alternative of the handstand that focuses more effort on the shoulders. Wall climbing is a very easy and versatile exercise, since you only need a wall and an anti-slip floor.

When performing this movement, you will exercise the anterior, lateral and posterior part of the deltoids and the middle section of the body. To do it correctly:

  • First, locate yourself on the floor and in the ironing position.
  • Little by little, position yourself by placing a leg on the wall and start walking until you can stand on the ground with your hands and in an intricate position.
  • To finish, return to the ironing position.

Bet on 10 reps initially, and go increasing over time.

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