Hashimoto’s: a silent attack on the thyroid and expose your life.

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder that must be treated early. See what it is about and recommendations.

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland located in the neck, putting the health of those who suffer from it at risk.

Although its exact cause is still unknown, it is believed to be related to genetic and environmental factors.

Hashimoto’s disease, which is potentially life-threatening, can occur due to severe, long-term, untreated hypothyroidism.

Therefore, it is considered that over time, the thyroid stops producing enough thyroid hormone, leading to hypothyroidism.

Equally, in this disease, the immune system, responsible for defending the body from infections, mistakenly mistakes thyroid cells as a threat and attacks them, causing their destruction.

Over time, this destruction leads to a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, essential for regulating metabolism, energy and growth.


The diagnosis is made through the demonstration of elevated titers of antithyroid peroxidase antibodies.


This rare disease is an autoimmune disorder, however it is not known exactly what causes the immune system to attack thyroid cells.

It could be genetic factors, environmental triggers, interactions between environmental and genetic factors.


The symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease can be subtle and appear gradually, making early diagnosis difficult.

Among the most common are: drowsiness followed by deep lethargy and loss of consciousness, as well as fatigue and unexplained weight gain.

Likewise, dry or rough skin, hair loss, dry and brittle hair.

Other symptoms are also observed such as enlarged thyroid, stiff joints, muscle weakness, depression, constipation, among others.


Treatment with synthetic hormone medications is usually effective. Hashimoto’s is treated with a synthetic hormone called levothyroxine (Levoxyl, Synthroid and others).

The synthetic hormone works in a similar way to the T-4 hormone that the thyroid produces naturally.

It is also recommended not to consume the following foods:

Cereals with gluten, since it makes it difficult to absorb medications, Broccoli, Soy, Sugar, Vegetable oils, Foods rich in iodine, Sausages.

It is recommended:

Consume natural drinks such as lemon juice, also, have a balanced diet and add to your daily diet: garlic, oats, whole grains, natural organic yogurt, blueberries, eggs, iodine such as radish, skimmed milk, fish, iodized salt, among others.






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