The pelvic floor is the set of muscles and ligaments that close the abdominal cavity and keep the pelvic organs in place (bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum) so that they can function properly.

If the pelvic floor is in bad shape it can cause urine loss.

Therefore, Kegel exercises or pubococcygeal muscle contraction exercises serve to strengthen the pelvic muscles. They are also recommended to avoid common disorders, such as urinary incontinence and also to facilitate childbirth. While many women are familiar with Kegel exercises, these exercises can also benefit men.



Sitting on a chair, move away from the back, rest your feet completely on the floor, feel the ischium bones resting on the chair and grow from the crown of the head. Without moving her chest, she tilts her pelvis, resting the vaginal area (front) on the chair and then the anal area (rear). When you support the front part you will notice that your back curves forward and when you support the back part your back curves back.


Breathing through your ribs, lean on the vaginal area and pretend to hold back the urge to urinate for 10 seconds, noting how the part that comes into contact with the chair works. Relax and repeat 10 times.


Next, sit on your anus and imagine holding gas for 10 seconds while you breathe, feeling the contact of this area. Relax and repeat 10 times.