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If you live alone, it is very likely that sometimes you will be lazy cooking and choose to eat on the street; so it is important that you have easy-to-prepare foods at hand and that they also allow you to eat healthy.

Cooking at home is one of the healthiest ways to start healthy eating. So you can, on the one hand, control the quality of the food you consume and on the other, measure the size of the portion.

Those who live alone are advised to write “a daily menu and on these notes plan purchases, in such a way that you will organize yourself better in terms of controlling the amount of food you consume per week, avoiding losing food because they rot.”

Recommended: Vegetables and raw fruits, cheese, tuna, whole grains, healthy fats (nuts, almonds, avocados and olive oil.), Dairy (yogurt, milk and cottage cheese).

Live a healthy life with Pharmamedic.
