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Osmotic laxatives are drugs that add water to the stool, which causes softer stools, and makes bowel movements more comfortable and more common.

This condition is also treated with natural substances, such as flaxseed.

Flaxseed is the seed of the flax plant; it can be obtained in several presentations, such as oil, in tablets, ground and the whole seed.

Flaxseed or flax seeds are an excellent source of Omega 3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids but also have vitamin E, fiber and even digestive enzymes. Flax seeds exert a depurative effect and, thanks to their fiber content and essential fatty acids, they help to control the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

One of the most beneficial effects of flax seeds are those that produce on the health of the heart.

The consumption of this fatty acid offers a series of benefits for the body, and because of its high fiber content improves intestinal transit, decreasing constipation. It has a basic laxative effect for people with digestive problems who will improve their quality of life.

They can have contraindications especially in high doses, they can also cause gas and bloating. The recommended daily dose should not exceed 30 grams a day, that is, two tablespoons. A medicine with these properties is Clean confidence.

Learn more about health in Pharmamedic.
