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The macrogotero is a device used in intravenous fluid therapy, to provide measured quantities of solutions at specific flow rates, based on the size of the drops in the solution.

The size of the droplets is controlled by the fixed diameter of the plastic tube of the system, the droplets provided by a macrogotero are larger than those of a micro dripper.

The macrogote infusion system can supply the patient with solution volumes greater than 75 milliliters per hour, so it will be used in the case of those conditions in which it is necessary to administer a larger amount of solution with a high drip factor. Each patient deserves a different volume of solution or administration time, therefore several formulas have been established that can be used to make the drip calculations. The first thing that is important is to calculate the drip constant of the equipment that we will use, which varies according to the way in which it is calibrated.

The formula of the constant is: 60 / number of drops per ml according to the caliber of the equipment.

For example, if a device is calibrated to give 20 drops per 1 ml or cc, then it would be:

60/20 = 3 constant

A practical example would be: if we have to administer 500 ml of solution in 5 hours to a patient, how many drops per minute should be spent using a macrogotero?

500 ml (volume) / 3 (constant) x 5 (hours) = 33.33 ie 34 drops per minute.

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The micro drippers are devices widely used in medicine, which are usually part of the most common medical material, we could define it as a cylinder, usually plastic containing some diluted drug that is administered through the intravenous route, which usually applies to people who require some treatment It serves to administer relatively small precise quantities of intravenous solutions at a specific flow rate. Micro drippers are often used to supply small volumes of solution over long periods of time, so their use can be continuous. In the micro-dripper, 60 micro drops are equivalent to 1 ml of solution.

The use of a microbotero or macrogotero will depend on each patient and the disease that will be treated. To perform the drip calculation in the administration of intravenous fluids, the amount of solution to be infused must be taken into account, as well as the drip factor, that is, whether it is microgoteto or macrogoteto, in addition to the time to be applied.

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