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For the year 2012 the face transplant is performed to the first Turkish patient, surgery cataloged as a fairly complex action.

Worldwide, more than a dozen face transplants have been performed. The first intervention of this type was made in November 2005 to a French woman who was attacked by her dog. In the United States, the first face transplant was performed in December 2008.

In March 2011 a full face transplant was performed. During the 15 hours of the operation, the doctors, using the tissue of a donor, replaced the patient’s facial area, including the nose, lips, skin, muscles and nerves that will restore sensitivity.

This operation became the first total face transplant in history. From 2005 to 2010 there were few interventions of this kind in France, Spain, China and the United States. Of the 12 operations, 10 were successful. The most extensive transplant was performed in 2008 at the Cleveland Clinic, USA. The doctors reconstructed part of the facial bones and transplanted the face of a donor, reconstructing 80% of the facial tissues.

Spain has been a world leader in the rate of real donors for 22 years, that is, those that have been removed one or more organs are ideal for the transplant or should be discarded. The countries grouped in Eurotransplant and in Scandiatransplant, exclude donors whose organs are useless and only count as donors cash or useful, that is, those of which at least one organ has already been transplanted.

These and other innovations are also possible in Pharmamedic.
