We teach you some practical exercises that will help you strengthen your pectorals.

Men and women have in common the desire to keep the muscles of the chest in shape, especially after the fashion of male hair removal has spread in this area. If you have decided to train the pectorals you must first be aware of the importance of the individual genetic load, which means that it is important to know what you can achieve with the training to set reasonable goals, and avoid both frustrations that cause the abandonment of the same and a possible rebound effect, or an excess of work that leads to over-training syndrome.

It does not matter if you are male or female because the muscles are the same. The difference between both sexes when working them is simply the work load and the weight that is decided to lift; thus, a man who wants to gain a lot of muscle mass will perform sessions with more power than a woman, who requires a smoother work and who manages to keep the muscles in shape and, with it, firm chest.

To improve the performance and prevent injuries or illnesses when practicing any type of sport activity, including the training of the pectoral muscles, you must take into account the following:

Warm up: Before starting you should do a small warm up to have the muscles prepared for the exercise and avoid muscular contractures and fibrillar tears. At the end of the training you should stretch to relax the muscle and prepare it for daily activity, thus minimizing the risk of injury.

Hydration: Hydration is essential both during the exercise and the rest of the day. Unless the doctor has told you otherwise, drinking two liters of water a day will help reduce fatigue, and avoid heat shock and dehydration, although this amount should be increased on very hot days or if you exercise physical.

Using a specialist in physical preparation to customize your training is highly recommended. Although there are some general guidelines that can be used as a guide, they should be supervised by a preparer to adapt them to each person.

Healthy life habits. Any type of training, whether to improve a part of the body, or to increase athletic performance, must be accompanied by healthy lifestyle habits to progressively increase the effectiveness of the work performed. Therefore, we must follow a healthy and balanced diet, abandon harmful habits such as alcohol and tobacco, and perform activities that help muscle relaxation and control stress.

It is not necessary to go to a gym to train the chest, although logically the machines and the monitoring by a monitor can maximize the effort made. But at home you can also make a training program with very simple and inexpensive materials, and even nothing. The ideal is to combine these exercises with others that encompass other muscle groups, as well as some aerobic activity that puts the heart to work.

Below we detail a series of exercises that you can perform at home without any type of material:

Chest funds: this exercise is one of the best known, and consists of the typical push-ups that everyone has ever done. If they do not go well or it costs too much work, they can be done vertically by leaning the arms on the wall or on the countertop of the kitchen, and leaning slightly forward so that the effort is much smoother. Over time it is advisable to lean more and more, leaning on a table, then on the sofa (if leaning against a wall), to finish by performing horizontally.

Pressure of palms: the palms of the hands must be placed together, with the thumbs to the chest, the forearms parallel to the floor and the legs open at the level of the hips. In that position, make strength by pressing one hand against another for a moment.

Scissors: stand with your legs open at the hips, you have to stretch your arms parallel to the ground. In this position, make a horizontal scissor movement.

Elbows: standing or sitting, place your arms crossed with the palm of one hand grasping the elbow of the other arm and with the other palm the opposite elbow. In that position try to separate the elbows.

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