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Amsterdam scientists have discovered a breakthrough for breast cancer.

Professor Nigel Bundred presented at the European Breast Cancer Conference in Amsterdam, the results of a recent investigation that served to evaluate the effects of a couple of medications, Herceptin (also known as trastuzumab) and Lapatinib.

These drugs have already been used in the treatment of cancer, but this was the first time they were used in combination, before any other conventional treatment, such as surgery or chemotherapy.

Scientists have discovered that this combination effectively destroys breast cancer in just 11 days.

The goal was to use these two drugs to fight against a protein known as HER2 (receptor 2 of the human epidermal growth factor) that influences the division and development of cancer cells.

The best thing about this method is that it completely excludes chemotherapy and surgery, and also its temporary side effects, such as hair loss, fatigue and nausea.

The researchers involved 257 women in the study, all with HER2 positive breast cancer. Half of them were the control group and only received Herceptin, while the other half used the combination of these two drugs.

The results were as follows: 11% of the women who took the drug combination had no cancer cells within two weeks and 17% of the cases had dramatically reduced tumors.

In comparison to the control group, they had 0% no trace of cancer cells and only 3% showed a decrease in tumor size.

Therefore, the combination of medications has extremely beneficial effects in the case of breast cancer, unlike their results if used on their own. However, the issue is that licensing allows its use only along with chemotherapy, and not only.

This research is a great way to continue fighting against breast cancer.

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Source: ehealthmagz.com
