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Breadfruit tree.

The cooking of its leaves is used to combat diabetes.


Due to its resins content it is very effective as an anti-inflammatory. The sheets are applied directly or in bathrooms and hot cloths for all kinds of external inflammations. Its use is not recommended orally.


This plant serves as a raw material for the pharmaceutical preparation of arnica tincture, which is easy to obtain in America Latica’s drug stores. It is used to relieve blows and bruises. It has healing, astringent, sneezing, sudorific, febrifuge, aperitive, emmenagogue, toxic properties.

To Rome.

The aroma is a good painkiller, useful for stomach pain and menstrual cramps. It is customary to use in infusion.


The leaves are an excellent anti-inflammatory and use it in mouth rinses for toothache. In addition, the crust prepared in cooking is used to combat diabetes and high cholesterol in the blood.


The antispasmodic medications most used by modern medicine such as Buscopan, Sistalgín and Espasmobil, are derived from the extract of this tree. In addition, atropine and scopolamine, two of its components, are very useful in general anesthesia for surgeries. Due to its easy toxicity and its lamentable criminal use, we do not recommend the use of this plant in any case and we only suggest its commercial use in pharmaceutical laboratories.


The dried leaves are sold in many drugstores for liver problems and gallstones. Heals the antigens caused by hepatitis. Heals liver stones and diseases of the bile duct. It is consumed in infusion; combined with senna and rhubarb, they serve as laxative and biliary purgative for digestive and hepatic affections.


It is a medicinal plant used by belts of years. Borage is part of some pharmacy preparations to fight cough, such as the popular borage syrup and linden. The infusion is effective in cases of flu, fever and cough, since it has sudorific and antitussive action. It is diuretic and purifying of the blood. The leaves are taken with water and salt, are easily digested, laxative and is recommended against heart conditions. Relieves nervous conditions

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