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With medicinal plants it is about eliminating the main cause of diseases, applying treatment, and primarily prevention.

The Altamisa

It has a mild bitter taste on which its medicinal properties depend, useful in menstrual, digestive and hepatic problems. Although many people affirm that in excess it can cause damage of the vision, this has not been verified and by clinical experience I consider that it can be used without fear some.

Perhaps the most extraordinary ability of the Altamisa is to combat menstrual cramps, taken as an infusion with another aromatic plant (chamomile, aroma, cinnamon). The external bath with the decoction of the leaves of Altamisa is used as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing in cases of wounds and blows.

The Poppy

Opium and its derivatives continue to be the most potent narcotic and analgesic substances known in the world. However, due to the risk of addiction and toxicity, its use should be restricted and controlled, always under strict medical supervision, only for serious pain problems or in anesthesia for surgery. Fortunately, there are numerous analgesic plants and simple and effective pharmacy drugs to solve most of the pain that the human being experiences, without having to resort to these extraordinary but dangerous substances.

The Amargón

Like dandelion, the bitter or chicory has a mild bitter taste and is effective in liver or kidney problems. Because it is a soft and fresh plant, it is recommended to take it frequently to keep the organism clean.

The Anamú

It is a plant that is used for cystitis and rheumatism. The decoction of this plant relieves the gums and prevents cavities. It is important to note that it is the only plant that contains substances to cure cancer. Deflates, dissolves tumors, boils and accesses. Root consumption is not recommended for pregnant women.


This plant has tonic, aperitive, antiseptic, stomach, carminative, digestive and stimulant properties. The stem, leaves and seeds are used. To acquire it, it is better to go to an expert because it tends to be confused with hemlock because of the great resemblance of its leaves.

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