The electronic cigarette does not cause tars or carbon monoxide like the conventional cigar. Some electronic cigarettes do not have nicotine, however, they introduce flavoring substances of unknown effect due to prolonged use.

A team of researchers has determined that smoking is primarily a source of heavy metals, that the use of electronic cigarettes is a potential source of rare earth elements. However, these elements were shown in low concentrations and the consequences that these discoveries may have on the health of people require additional studies.

The electronic cigarette is gaining more and more followers among the youth, but it is the adults who use it the most, thinking that it helps them stop smoking. Although water vapor pollutes air less than traditional or conventional cigarette smoke, it is not harmless to humans. However, a study published in a journal, confirmed that in the analysis of blood in a considerable number of people found the presence of forty-two inorganic elements, including trace elements (necessary for the body, but that can be toxic in high doses). ), inorganic elements considered toxic by the Agency for the Registration of Toxic Substances and Diseases (ATSD, for its acronym in English), and other less frequent belonging to the group of rare earths within the periodic table of the elements.

When comparing blood samples from non-smokers, smokers and users of electronic cigarettes, the scientists showed that smokers have higher concentrations in their blood of copper, molybdenum, zinc, antimony and strontium; while the users of electronic cigarettes present higher concentrations of metals such as selenium, silver and vanadium, as well as more frequently chemical elements such as beryllium, compared with smokers of traditional or conventional cigarettes in lower percentage. In addition, the number of rare earths found was also higher among users of electronic cigarettes. Blood levels of cerium and erbium, for example, increased as the duration of use of electronic cigarettes was increased.

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