Eating more fruits and vegetables and less dairy can help prevent asthma and reduce symptoms, a review of published research concluded. However, the claim remains controversial.

Recognized triggers for asthma symptoms include exposure to an allergen or irritant, such as pollen or cigarette smoke, vigorous exercise, and emotional stress.

Doctors believe obesity is a risk factor for the disease. A systematic review of the evidence at Annals of the American Thoracic Society in 2019 found that people with obesity and asthma can improve their asthma-related symptoms by losing weight.

Plant-based foods

However, a new review of asthma and diet that now appears in Nutrition.

It is concluded that a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of developing the condition and improve symptom control, while dairy products increase the risk and exacerbate symptoms.

Scientific research on the links between health and diet is notoriously difficult to perform and interpret.

The new article was not a systematic review, which is the gold standard for rigorous and impartial assessment of the best clinical evidence available.

“Dietary components, such as antioxidants, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, total and saturated fats, and vitamin D consumption probably affect the immune pathways involved in asthma pathophysiology. However, intervention trials to evaluate the prevention and control of asthma by dietary means are necessary to confirm these associations.”