It is a condition of the nervous system, which first manifests itself in childhood or adolescence, before the age of 18. This syndrome causes people to have “tics.”

Tourette Syndrome is a disorder characterized by repetitive movements or unwanted sounds that cannot be easily controlled. For example, blinking, shrugging their shoulders or making strange sounds or offensive words humming, clearing their throat or shouting a phrase repeatedly and that they cannot control voluntarily. They can also be complicated and involve the whole body, such as kicking and stomping. It’s important to know that motor and vocal tics are involuntary, which means that people don’t do them on purpose.
For this syndrome, the genetic factor may influence, but most tics are attributed to environmental and learning factors. They are reactions to situations that cause anxiety or irritability in the patient, increase with stress and decrease when performing relaxing activities and during sleep.

Seeing a doctor is recommended when the tic: occurs regularly or becomes more frequent or severe; is associated with emotional problems or physical discomfort or is accompanied by troubling moods or behaviors such as anger, depression, or self-harm.

When the child is premature, or presents at birth: hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, neonatal seizures, brachial palsy, facial paralysis, apnea or congenital infections, they should be evaluated by the Neurologist to rule out any syndrome. For the diagnosis to be confirmed, both involuntary movements and vocalizations must be present.

The treatment for Tourette’s disorder is neuroleptics, with improvement being observed in up to 80% of treated patients.

Most people with Tourette Syndrome and other tic disorders can lead productive lives. There are no barriers to your achievements in personal and professional life. People with TS can be found in all professions. A goal of the Tourette Association is to educate patients and the public about the many facets of tic disorders. Increasing the public’s understanding and tolerance of TS symptoms is vitally important to those who suffer from it.

¿Qué es el síndrome de Tourette?