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The advancement of the Internet and technological means has allowed the evolution of systems of distance medicine that allows doctors to connect with their patients.

There are also virtual directories to look for doctors and specialists in flexible schedules. The repair to this technology, which replaces the office, is that, being online, the confidentiality of the appointment can be jeopardized.

In recent years, multinational companies begin to make guides with equipment specially designed to perform Telemedicine Units. This has occurred due to a more intense development of telecommunications and the development of specific software, which through large file compressions, manages the transmission of sound and video in real time, allowing fluid communication between the patient and the doctor, regardless of the distance between them. These equipments, simply use the telephone lines or wide band internet to achieve an appropriate transmission. Associated to these equipment, electronic stethoscopes are incorporated, capable of transmitting in real time the sounds of the heart and lung, allowing the patient to be attended by a nurse or even by a nursing assistant, in addition to other equipment. On the other side, a specialist evaluates the antecedents transmitted by the same patient, or even in advance by the nurse, leaving a record in a database.

In the near future, depending on advances in compression systems, video cards, etc. It will be possible to transmit all kinds of exams in real time. Glucose meters capable of sending information to cell phones, insulin managers that can be controlled remotely and pacemakers that can be calibrated from a computer, are examples of the above.

At present, more than 260 programs related to distance medicine or telemedicine are being expanded worldwide.

Another use of this technology is in the educational area, in which students can learn semiology and even clinical branches interactively with a teacher and patients.

These and other innovations are also possible in Pharmamedic.
