It is a pathology that is derived from diabetes type 1 and 2, and consists of damage to the blood vessels of the retina, the most important organ of the eye, in which the transformation of the energy of light into impulses takes place. Nervous ones that are transmitted to the brain.

This diabetic retinopathy occurs because high levels of blood sugar cause damage to the blood vessels in the retina. These blood vessels can inflate and leak fluid. They can also close and prevent blood from flowing. Sometimes, new abnormal blood vessels are created in the retina. All these changes can make you lose your vision.

 With time and without proper care, patients suffering from this pathology can reach a detachment of the retina, which eventually can end in irreversible blindness.

 Given diabetic retinopathy, it is a disease that does not cause symptoms in its early stages, specialists recommend periodic checks for diagnosis in diabetic patients. And the main challenge would be to be able to make advance diagnoses.

A team of researchers established a technology that offers patients take autonomously a picture of your retinas, which is sent to a specialist in less than a minute can make the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, one of the first cause blindness globally.

Currently there is a device that allows free users to take a photograph of their eyes, for the diagnosis of retinopathy, called RetiDiag.

After taking the image, a computer platform sends that sample to a specialized professional, who can evaluate it remotely and in a matter of a minute. It is very important the function of this device for diagnosis, decreases distance and time.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.