French browser and explorer, his work has been a valuable contribution to science.

For many years he belonged to the navy of his country of origin. In the Second World War he was part of the special forces facing the Nazi invasion. It forecasts an autonomous immersion team that allows a free movement to the diver in sabotage missions to German ships. Cousteau together with the engineer Emile Gagnan, specialist in regulating valves, designs the underwater system of air supply, to reach the correct pressure according to the depth reached, called water lung or scuba that works through two valves that are open and close alternately, reducing pressure differences. Jacques Cousteau puts the project to the test submerging up to 20 m on the Riviera. In this way, they eliminated the long tubes that connected it to the surface and left the explorer literally tied. After the war, Cousteau puts his invention at the service of oceanographic research. On board the Calypso under his command, he has sailed all over the world performing underwater movies and television. In the United States founding of the Cousteau Society.

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