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A group of civil engineering students at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, made a great idea come true to help our planet.

“For this demonstration, we took something that was considered a waste and we created several products based on that. The same process can be used to recycle any waste stream. It’s about rethinking things and using them to our advantage. “Said Dr. Dyllon Randall, who oversaw the project.

Brick, which has been classified as the first in history created with human urine, requires at least 30 liters of kidney water to make it.

On the other hand, urine that is not used to create bricks could be used as a fertilizer, so that nothing is wasted. In addition, Bio-bricks do not need ovens so large and sophisticated for their production, unlike the bricks we know today in the market. This means that carbon dioxide emissions would decrease and, consequently, less temperature changes due to the greenhouse effect.

In the current world, pollution and climate change threaten to destroy everything we know, some human beings strive daily to rebuild the environment around us in a positive way.

The Bio-brick is made up of sand, some bacteria and the urine of people. The goal of the team of civil engineering students at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, was to create building materials that were more friendly to the ecosystem.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
