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Hi, I am Nonna Cannabis “The Italian granny who cooks with herbs”.

Today I am going to teach you how to prepare a delicious cheese cake, to which we will add a bit of fruit and a bit of cannabis.


  • 1 packet of cookies
  • Strawberry or pineapple jam
  • ½ liter of liquid cream
  • 250 grs. Cream cheese
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 large spoons of cannabis butter
  • 1 box of unflavored gelatin or 2 sheets of gelatin.


Crush the cookies and mix with the cannabis butter until making a cream, place in a mold as a base and refrigerate for about 15 minutes until it hardens.

Hydrate the gelatin in a saucepan with water and set aside.

Mix very well, cream liquid with sugar and cream cheese, then add melted gelatin and mix.

Remove the cookie base from the refrigerator and pour the mixture over the dough and refrigerate until set.

After that time, remove from the refrigerator and unmold, place over the strawberry or pineapple jam and garnish with slices of strawberry or pineapple.

This has been all for this week, and do not forget:

Pharmamedic and Nonna Cannabis are here to give you a healthier life!


NOTE: If you are starting to consume this type of recipes, we recommend using small doses of herbs to prevent future adverse reactions in the body.
