Mexican. Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and of the School of Jurisprudence. Lawyer, Archaeologist and Indianist. He taught Mexican archeology and general ethnology. He was Director of the explorations of Monte Albán, Oaxaca where he discovered the famous tomb number 7 of these excavations.

He was Director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History. General Director of Higher Education and Scientific Research; rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Director of the National Indian Institute.

He received the National Prize of Anthropology Fray Bernardino de Sahagún and the National Prize of Sciences. Also they stand out among other works the following ones: the Sacred War, the Explorations in Monte Albán, the Religion of the Aztecs and the Prehispanic Calendars.

Caso, along with 16 other prominent characters, participates in the creation of the Banking School of Banco de México from 1929 to 1932. Among these characters we can name Manuel Gómez Morín, Roberto Casas Alatriste, Alfredo Chavero and Híjar, Miguel Palacios Macedo, Tomás Vilchis , Francisco González de la Vega, Enrique González Aparicio, José Luis Osorio Mondragón, Alejandro Carrillo Marcor, Eduardo Suárez Aránzolo, Alejandro Prieto Llorente and Agustín Loera and Chávez. When this School becomes independent from the Bank, Caso becomes one of the founders of the Banking and Commercial School in August 1932.

The prominent lawyer offered oral courses at the School, since it belonged to the Bank of Mexico, on the subject of Legal Organization. In this way, Alfonso Caso continued his work in the search for the consolidation of institutions dedicated to social studies.

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