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Bionics means the replacement of organs or members by mechanical versions.

Bionic implants differ from prosthetics because they imitate the original function exactly and even better.

The robotic hand was created to make contact with people who communicate through telepresence systems. A group of researchers from the University of Osaka, Japan, developed a robotic hand whose function is to shake the human hand.

The process to develop a hand with these characteristics, took approximately 20 years, is made of high resistance plastics, and the fingers can be easily unscrewed from the hand, which facilitates maintenance. The hand has five fingers that work independently. This makes it much more versatile than other hands, which used to be like a kind of hook, with simple opening and closing movements. This hand allows you to grab very small and fragile objects without damaging them.

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We refer to the i-limb hand that offers great versatility of possibilities, being able to support from fine objects like a credit card to larger ones. As for the price, making an estimate is between US $ 3,000.

Since its appearance in the market, more than 400 patients already have an i-limb hand.

The first bionic hand available in the market has been recognized as one of the main inventions of 2008 by Time magazine. The i-limb hand, created by the Livingston Company, Touch Bionics, appears among the 50 best innovations in the magazine, surpassing the Mars Rover, designed to explore the red planet.

These and other innovations are also possible in Pharmamedic.
