The training and practice of boxing as an activity focused on fitness and not competition, reports to those who exercise a series of benefits for their health.

With boxing you learn a form of self-defense that generates a sense of confidence and well-being. One of the first things you learn is to dose the energy to endure physically in conditions throughout the fight, since fatigue would lead to receive more punishment from the opponent. Being an aerobic exercise burns a lot of fat due to energetic wear. The activation of the cardiovascular system will increase blood circulation and improve the efficiency of the respiratory system, which will cause less tiredness thanks to resistance work. Muscle tone is enhanced thanks to both training and fighting. The continued practice of boxing improves muscle flexibility thanks to the constant movements required to practice it. Boxing triggers reflexes when performed in combat because it teaches both to anticipate the opponent’s movement, to dodge or block it to protect itself while launching an attack, which improves coordination and mental speed for decision making.

Boxing is a very useful sport to release tension from day to day, since by beating the body is discharged and de-stressed while greatly reducing stress.

The benefits that boxing brings, in turn, a better self-concept that supposes a higher self-esteem and a higher level of happiness.

The most common exercises, especially for beginners and people who practice it as a fitness activity, are the blows themselves to learn the proper technique. The most common blows in boxing are the ‘jab’, which is a short, straight and dry punch with which the arms are worked completely, the shoulders and the trunk; then there is the ‘direct’, which is powerful, in which the shoulder and the arm are thrown back so that the latter takes more distance and can reach more force the blow; Another movement is the ‘hook’, which is a punch that is born in the waist and looks for the opponent’s chin; finally, there is the ‘crochet’, which is a side punch making a semicircle, in which the opposite side of the hitting moves away from the rival while the other approaches. Another activity typical of preparing and getting fit through boxing is to fight in front of a mirror. Seeing how the movements of the legs, the body, how punches are being made, and how those imaginaries are dodged, a total training is achieved. In addition to a mirror, this is also done with the shadow.

Finally, in the return to calm the body should be progressively relaxed, with which small routines of low intensity exercises can be done, such as a slow pedaling on a stationary bicycle and, of course, the stretches that will reduce the risk of injuries . You have to reserve at least five minutes to prepare the body for the situation of daily rest.

The ideal training would be three days a week for one hour each, although it should be adjusted to the physical capacity of the practitioner. A high-level physical training can be detrimental to a beginner and have him give up for having forced the muscles, and even have caused some small injury.

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