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Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that is gaining reliability in the vast majority of operating rooms.

The operation is performed through small incisions special instruments are inserted, attached to three or four suspended robotic arms that are controlled by the surgeon and can perform complex functions. It also allows the arms to reposition while remaining inside the patient’s body.

Robotic surgery is a very advantageous procedure due to its precision, its miniaturization, minor incisions, blood loss to the minimum, pain reduction, and less time spent in a health center. The surgeon is sitting in front of an ergonomic console, which has master controls to direct them and a three-dimensional view for greater precision when performing the operation.

The ‘Da Vinci’ robots are part of several public and private health centers in the world. The first specialties in using it were gynecology, urology, cardiothoracic surgery and about 8 years ago it is also used in general surgery. The main function of this technique is to reach places that are difficult to access.

These and other innovations are now possible in Pharmamedic.
