For the first time in history, we can tie the creation of value “in real time” to the monetary issue and as a “reward”.

You will no longer need a labor market, a third party that employs or an intermediary that provides. Now there are “rewards” as a way to promote what we want to produce, do or participate.

The cryptocurrencies have appeared to reform the world and the traditional economy was left behind. However, it is very difficult for our thinking, and for how we have been educated; to be able to glimpse a different, different system and not to think it as “utopian”.

But, it is believed that what is showing us the irruption of the cryptocurrencies, and the blockchain, is that. It is to be able to design a very different system. A decentralized system, where the “notions” of inflation, monopolies / oligopolies, economies of scale, corruption no longer apply, and a system where what is different is what is different and cryptocurrencies are different today.

Make your best investment with the cryptocurrency of the immortals “iCashWeb”.