Reading the news can cause stress at best. When the news is particularly troubling, many of us experience such high levels of anxiety that we may have difficulty dealing with it. So how can we stay (reasonably) without anxiety when the media bombards us with headlines that scare us?
It may seem that we have entered an age of bad news. Every day for the past few years, newspapers and news websites have been stressful headlines.
There is news of wars and civic unrest, impending ecological disasters, failed economies and violent and sad local events.
And why not admit it? – While our goal is to provide our readers with constructive and actionable content on Medical News Today, we also sometimes end up highlighting news that could be stressful.
While our intention is positive, warning our readers about potential health hazards and empowering our audience to avoid them, our content can sometimes lead to concern and anxiety.
So what can you do if what seems like a constant cycle of negative news in all the media depresses you and interferes with your well-being?
In this special feature, we look at some tips for dealing with the special kind of anxiety that can arise when reading the news.

The authors also add that many people choose to deal with this problem by avoiding the news. “Almost 2 in 5 adults (39%) they report that they have taken steps over the past year to reduce their news consumption.”
One person MNT spoke to emphasized how important the news has been with a positive streak when it comes to combating the anxiety that results from negative news.
[He estado leyendo]”Positive news, he[que]lps me balance the negatives, an[también]d provides some actionable ideas. Traditional news informs him about the trauma and sometimes points out the ways he is complicit, but does not take the next step.”
This person was eager to access news written from different and more constructive perspectives: articles or segments that “provide excellent examples of people making progressive changes, that people can emulate and feel that they are making a difference.”
When the news cycle depresses us with a torrent of calamities, it is crucial to ask ourselves more about our relationship with the news. Why do we access it and what do we hope to get out of this?
When we activate the news, we must seek to prioritize our own well-being, in order to make positive changes in the world.
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