It is a device that allows the exit of gases, but without noises and smells, thanks to the presence of a built-in filter and is similar to a plug that is inserted into the stoma and that prevents leakage or leakage of debris.

Presents a lubricated end that is easily introduced into the stoma, whose protective film is water soluble, dissolving in a few seconds, and allowing the expansion of the obturator without allowing the passage of stool.

Irrigation is based on the introduction of water at body temperature through the stoma, for the voluntary control of stool evacuation, allowing the use of a stopper plug or a smaller bag.

It can only be used in descending or sigmoid colostomies, with stoma visible and without complications, so its indication should be established after evaluation by the physician or the stoma therapist. In case of prolapse or complications in the stoma such as parastomal hernia, diarrhea or treatment with chemotherapy / radiotherapy, irrigation should not be performed.

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