Stretch marks are cutaneous atrophies in the form of whitish or purplish sinuous lines that, located in the connective tissue, are observed by transparency through the epidermis.

Not only do they come out with the pregnancy. Stretch marks appear when the skin stretches a lot in a short time, so they can come out in adolescence during rapid growth spurts, as well as during a rapid weight gain and, of course, during the aforementioned pregnancy.

The white striae are visible lines on the surface of the skin with a different color, it could be said that they are like a kind of scars. These occur in the dermis layer of the skin and may appear in the breasts, arms, abdomen and buttocks.

Influential factors:

The Age: mostly affects the skin and collagen.

Background: if the parents have cellulitis, the offspring will have a predisposition.

Sedentary: we have to do exercises and at least walk.

Alcohol: produces dehydration of the skin, which helps age and hormones to thin the skin.

The main cause of the appearance of stretch marks in men is the abrupt change of weight, which produces a stretch of the skin superior to its elastic capacity and micro breaks are generated at the cellular level.

Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day to keep the skin well hydrated.

Homemade ingredients:

Sugar scrub you can make a homemade anti-stretch mark exfoliant by mixing almond oil with sugar and applying it to the affected area. .

Olive oil. Applying hot olive oil on stretch marks will improve circulation and help to reduce them.

Egg white

Lemon juice.

As an exfoliant for our skin. To do this, mix a spoonful of white sugar with a little almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Stir until the mixture can be applied to the stretch marks. Leave on for 30 minutes until it is absorbed through the skin.

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