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Usually, early-stage prostate cancer does not cause symptoms.

The more advanced prostate cancers sometimes cause symptoms, such as: Problems urinating, including a slow or weakened urinary flow or need to urinate more often, especially at night. Blood in the urine or semen.

The distant stage includes stage IVB cancers and cancers that have spread to distant lymph nodes, bones, or other organs. The relative 5-year survival rate for distant-stage prostate cancer is approximately 28%.

The inflamed prostate or chronic prostatitis originates when the symptoms of heaviness, the discomfort in the perineum and the presence of the increase of the number of times to urinate, decrease of the urination stream, feeling of incomplete emptying and hemospermia or blood in the sperm.

Claros’ technology, which consists of a small blood collection device, a disposable cartridge and a reader the size of a toaster, could, at least in theory, be adapted to detect any number of different proteins. However, the company has chosen to focus initially on the PSA.

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The rapidity of results is possible thanks to the new technology of microfluidics developed by the company Claros Diagnostics, which expects to realize the rapid detection of PSA in the doctor’s office. Currently, blood samples are usually sent to a centralized laboratory to perform the PSA analysis. The results take a day or two.

This new technology, if it receives the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration, the device will be one of the first examples of the long-awaited diagnostic tests based on microfluidics that can be performed in the hospital or the doctor’s office.

The Claros test, which is currently in the clinical trial phase, will allow PSA analysis during the patient’s visit to the consultation.

These and other innovations are also possible in Pharmamedic.
