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Cardano cryptocurrency (ADA) reached the office markets in mid-September 2017 and has been presented as the third generation of cryptocurrencies, being an ambitious project that addresses a large number of problems in the encryption industry.

Sustained by three fundamental pillars: The first the foundation that bears his name, Cardano Foundation, the second the leading company in research and development of cryptocurrencies (IOHK), which will direct the platform until 2020 and finally Emurgo, which is the business arm being Its objective is to help, integrate and promote the applications of the Cardano block chain.

Cardano (ADA) is defined as a blockchain project, cryptocurrencies whose basic characteristics are decentralization and open source, it is the first to incorporate the Ouroboros protocol, the innovative stake test algorithm, which makes transactions faster than in Ethereum and Bitcoin, saving large amounts of energy, thus eliminating the famous chain of Bitcoin miners, and maintaining a focus on security through a layer-based architecture

As a result, this cryptocurrency is the first based on the Haskell code, which focuses on the product of industrial power, and can be readjusted as times require, this platform tries to adapt the anonymity of Bitcoin to the legality demanded by any type of transaction, so the system is designed to allow the upgrade through soft bifurcations, which allows it to adapt to changing needs and evolve rapidly, when necessary.

The protocol of this cryptocurrency is aimed at protecting the privacy rights of users, while taking into account the needs of regulators. In doing so, Cardano is also the first protocol to balance these requirements in a nuanced and effective way, pioneering a new approach to cryptocurrencies.

Currently the platform allows transactions, exchange and purchase Ada tokens completely independently of the computation layer. The goal of the compute layer is to have a beta release for the first quarter of 2018. Once the settlement and settlement layers are active, users can configure a custom environment to create decentralized applications on the Cardano stack.

In 2019, IOHK intends to work on the long-term scalability of Cardano and increase its capabilities, with the aim of creating a sustainable ecosystem that is able to finance and support itself, allowing this to rise and high markets

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